Details about Registration Fees
1. The regular registration fee is 3200 yuan.
2. For a full-time student (first author), the registration fee is 3,000 yuan; a valid student identity card is required.
3. Each paid registration only covers one paper under the name of corresponding author.
4. For sponsors and teams to submit multiple papers, please contact the conference secretary/manager; each author (corresponding author) can submit at most 2 papers.
5. If a paper exceeds 6 pages, an extra page fee of 400 yuan/page will be charged starting from page 7.
6. The registration outside of China can be paid according the newest currency rate.
7. Registration fee covers conference materials, lunches, coffee Breaks and conference kits during the conference.
8. At least one author of each article should attend the conference and present the paper in person or in the form of video or poster.
9. If you are willing to attend the conference and do presentation without publishing your paper, please email us for an application.
10. Please ensure that all registration fees are paid to us through the banking system in strict accordance with the registration form; the invoice information must be carefully checked with the author's financial department.
11. The following items are Not included in the registration:
* Accommodation fee
* Visa application fee
* Transportation fee
* others.