General Chair :
Prof.Dr. Mehdi Toloo
Department of Systems Engineering and Informatics, VŠB-Technical University of OstravaSokolská třída 33, 702 00, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
Dr. Mehdi Toloo is a Full Professor of Data Modelling and Analytics in the Department of Systems Engineering and Informatics at the Technical University of Ostrava in Czech Republic. He is an internationally recognized expert in Data Envelopment Analysis, Decision Analysis, Performance Evaluation, Multi-objective programming, and Mathematical Modelling. He serves as an area editor for Computers & Industrial Engineering. He has written fourteen books and published in top-tier journals including OMEGA, European Journal of Operational Research, Computers & Operations Research, International Journal of Production Research, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Computers, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Expert Systems with Applications, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Measurement, Computational Economics, Computational and Applied Mathematics, International Journal of Management Science, and The Journal of Supercomuting among others. He has contributed to numerous international conferences as a chair, keynote speaker, presenter, track/session chair, workshop organizer, and member of the scientific committee. He also was the Principal Investigator of many founded projects.
Program Chair
Prof. Dr.Srikanta Patnaik
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
SOA University, Bhubaneswar Odisha, India
Prof .Dr. Srikanta Patnaik is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SOA University, Bhubaneswar, India. He has received his Ph. D. (Engineering) on Computational Intelligence from Jadavpur University, India in 1999 and supervised 12 Ph. D. theses and more than 30 M. Tech theses in the area of Machine Intelligence, Soft Computing Applications and Re-Engineering. Dr. Patnaik has published more than 60 research papers in international journals and conference proceedings. He is author of 2 text books and edited 12 books and few invited book chapters, published by leading international publisher like Springer-Verlag, Kluwer Academic, etc.. Dr. Patnaik was the Principal Investigator of TAPTEC project “Building Cognition for Intelligent Robot” sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi and Major Research Project “Machine Learning and Perception using Cognition Methods” sponsored by University Grant Commission. He is the Editors-in-Chief of International Journal of Information and Communication Technology and International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics published from Inderscience Publishing House, England and also Editors-in-chief of Book Series on “Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technology” published from Springer, Germany.
He is a member of Association for Computing Machinery (No.8745583) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (No.91195197). He is also Life member of Indian Society for Training and Development (ISTD): MP-640/2000 and of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE: LM 9281). He is a Fellow of Institute of Electronics and Telecomm. Engineering (IETE): LM 107380.
Co-general Chair :
Prof. Dr.Roumen Kountchev
Faculty of Telecommunications, Department of Radio Communications and Video Technologies at the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Roumen Kountchev, Ph.D., D. Sc. is a professor at the Faculty of Telecommunications, Department of Radio Communications and Video Technologies at the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
His scientific areas of interest are: digital signal and image processing, image compression, multimedia watermarking, video communications, pattern recognition and neural networks. Prof. Kountchev has 341 papers published in magazines and conference proceedings (71 international); 15 books; 46 book chapters; 20 patents (3 international). He had been principle investigator of 38 research projects (6 international).
At present he is a member of Euro Mediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences (EMAAS) and President of Bulgarian Association for Pattern Recognition (member of Intern. Association for Pattern Recognition). Editorial board member of: Intern. Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems; Intern. Journal Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience; KES Focus Group on Intelligent Decision Technologies; Egyptian Computer Science Journal; Intern. Journal of Bio-Medical Informatics and e-Health, and Intern. Journal Intelligent Decision Technologies. He has been a plenary speaker at: WSEAS Intern. Conf. on Signal Processing 2009, Istanbul; WSEAS Intern. Conf. on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation, University of Cambridge 2010, UK; WSEAS Intern. Conf. on Signal Processing, Computational Geometry and Artificial Vision 2012, Istanbul, Turkey; Intern. Workshop on Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics and e-Health 2013, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt; Workshop SCCIBOV 2015, Djillali Liabès University, Sidi Bel Abbès, Algérie; Intern. Conf. on Information Technology 2015 and 2017, Al Zayatoonah University, Amman, Jordan; WSEAS European Conf. of Computer Science 2016, Rome, Italy.
Prof. Shengqing Li
Electrical and Information Engineering at Hunan University of Technology
Shengqing Li was born in 1961 in Hunan province, China. He is a Doctor of Engineering, professor, doctoral supervisor and the expert entitled to government special allowance(GSA). Professor Li is the dean in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering at Hunan University of Technology. Meanwhile, he is serving as the Chairman of Hunan Engineering Research Center, the academic leader of provincial key discipline as well as the permanent member of Hunan Electrotechnical Society and Hunan Electrical Engineering Society.
Professor Li's extensive experiences with electricity and engineering lead to his broader interest in Power Quality Control Strategy for Distribution Network, New Energy Grid-Connected System Power and Electrical Energy-saving Technology. He currently hosted and participated in 20 important research projects of the Provincial Natural Science Foundation, the National Natural Science Foundation and National Key R&D Program of China etc. He received 9 ministerial Second Prizes and honored prizes of Progress in Science and Technology, Science and Technology Award of China Electrotechnical Society etc. with his papers, researches, 14 Authorized Patents and Software Copyright.
Professor Li is the author of 6 book including 2 of them were published by China Science Press. He has published numerous papers, 45 of which are included by SCI/EI consisting of Proceedings of the CSEE and International Journal of Robotics and Automation etc.
Prof. Dr.Jianqi Li
Hunan university of Arts and Science
Li Jianqi, Ph.D., Professor, Vice Chairman of the Hunan Instrument and Control Society, he mainly engaged in the teaching and research of computer control and detection technology.He is amaster student tutor at Hunan University and Xiangtan University, expert from Changde City Major Administrative Decision-making Advisory Committee.
The students were instructed to receive more than 10 provincial competition awards. His student published more than 10 papers and won the third prize of provincial teaching achievements. He has presided one National Natural Science Foundation project and two provincial self-finance fund projects,he published more than 30 academic papers, including 12 articles in SCI/EI , 2 invention patents, 8 utility model patents, and 10 software copyrights.
He served as a special commissioner of Changde City Science and Technology, developed more than 10 horizontal projects for enterprises, and achieved good economic and social benefits. the high-precision steel strip parameter measurement system is the innovation project in China , and the research results was reported by Hunan Province Media on Special Public Channels.
Prof. Florin Popenţiu Vlădicescu
University “Politehnica” in Bucharest
Faculty Automatic Control and Computer Science,Romanian
Professor Florin Popenţiu Vlădicescu, was born on 17 September 1950, graduated in Electronicsand Telecommunications from University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest in 1974, holds a PhD in Reliability since 1981. He has been appointed Director of the “UNESCO Chair in Information Technologies Department” at University of Oradea. Also, he is Professor to University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science. Professor Florin Popenţiu Vlădicescu is the founder of the first “UNESCO Chair of Information Engineering” , in UK, established at City University London, in 1998. He published over 150 papers in international journals and conference proceedings. Also he is author of one book co-author of 4 books.
He has worked for many years on problems associated with software reliability and has been Co-Director of two NATO Research Projects. Also he is on the advisory board of several international journals, including “Reliability and Risk Analysis: Theory & Applications” and is a reviewer to “ACM Computing Reviews. He is currently Associated Editorto the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology (IJICT) – Inderscience Publishers.
He is an independent expert to the European Commission - H2020 programme, for Net Services – Software and Services, Cloud.
Professor Florin Popenţiu Vlădicescu is currently Visiting Professor to:
Telecom Paris, ENST
Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines Paris, ENSMP
Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees, ENSTA
ETH - Zurich
Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris, UPMC
Delft University of Technology
University of Twente Enschede
Technical University of Denmark Lyngby
Sultan Qaboos University
University of Calcutta
He was elected Fellow of the Academy of Romanian Scientists in 2008.
Prof. Jinhui Zeng
Hunan University of Technology
Prof. Jinhui Zeng is the associate dean of College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University of Technology, a master's Supervisor. He gets both his doctor degree and master degree in Hunan University. He is the Executive Director of Hunan Electrotechnical Society and holds more than 10 research projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Education Cooperative Education Project, Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province and so on. He hold numerous patents and copyrights during participating in the research projects like China Railway Construction Corporation and has academic cooperation with some senior conferences and forums which proceedings are published by Springer Elsevier and IEEE, he publishes more than 20 articles in journals and most of them are SCI or EI-indexed, his research interests include Power Electronics Converter, Power quality control, Inductive Filtering Technology in Multi-infeed HVDC Transmission System.
Prof.Dr. Vipul JAIN
Victoria Business School,
Victoria University of Wellington,New Zealand
Dr Vipul Jain is a Senior Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management atVictoria Business School, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He has also worked as a French Government researcher for the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control at Nancy, France, and was also involved in theEuropean project I* PROMS (Innovative Production Machines and Systems) from UK. Vipul has more than 85 archival publications to his credit in high impact factorjournals, as well as conference papers and books chapters, is the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, and an Editorial Board member forseven international journals. Vipul is ranked 7th in India in a list of top 20 Indian leading academicians publishing in the area of Logistics and Supply Chain management in an exhaustive study entitled “Analysis of the Logistics research in India- white paper (2012), pp.1-11” conducted by researchers from Institute of Transport Logistics, Dortmund University, Institute for Supply Chain and Network Management, TechnischeUniversität Darmstadt, and University of Münster, Germany. Vipul is involved as a scientific and advisory committee member for various international conferences. He was the Programme Coordinator for the Masters in Industrial Engineering Programme at IIT Delhi, and has been actively involved in conducting Management Development Programmes/Training Programmes for Senior Managers andExecutives of Public and Private Organisations in India on various issues and challenges encountered in Operations, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management.
Prof. Chong Shen
Hainan University, China
Deputy director of Hainan University Scientific Research Office , Ph. D. , Professor, PhD supervisor. Candidate Tutor. Graduated from School of Electronic Information of Wuhan University, University of Strathclyde MPhil, Cork Institute of Technology Nimbus Centre for Embedded Systems Research Ph. D., Tyndall National Institute Post Doc, Senior engineer at Bell Labs Ireland Dublin. He has 23 core IP technologies related to Wireless Sensor Network and Internet of Things; Published more than 100 SCI and EI indexed papers; He has implemented projects from National Natural Science Foundation, Scientific Research Key Projects fund of Ministry of Education, International science and technology cooperation Key Projects of Hainan Province, Integrated innovation Key Projects of Hainan Province, Key Projects of Science and Technology Plan of Hainan Province, Natural Science Fund PCSIRT of Hainan Province and so on, There are more than 10 national and provincial scientific research projects. Project win the second prize of advance of science and technology of Hainan Province (First accomplisher); Provincial and ministerial awards 5; Young scientists of the ministry of science and technology; Member of youth standing committee of China electronics association; Member of the Chinese association of Marine limnology; IEEE VTS senior member.
Dr. B. B. Gupta
National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India
Dr. B. B. Gupta received PhD degree from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India in the area of Information and Cyber Security. In 2009, he was selected for Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship award by Government of Canada. He has published more than 250 research papers (including 08 books and 24 book chapters) in International Journals and Conferences of high repute including IEEE, Elsevier, ACM, Springer, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, Inderscience, etc. He has visited several countries, i.e. Canada, Japan, Australia, China, Spain, Hong-Kong, Italy, Malaysia, etc. to present his research work. His biography was selected and published in the 30th Edition of Marquis Who's Who in the World, 2012. In addition, he has been selected to receive 2017 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award’ and ‘2017 Bharat Vikas Award’ by Marquis Who's Who in the World, USA and ISR, India, respectively. Dr. Gupta also received Sir Visvesvaraya Young Faculty Research Fellowship Award in 2017 from Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, government of India. Recently, he has received ‘2018 Best Faculty Award for research activities’ and ‘2018 Best Faculty Award for Project and Laboratory Development’ from NIT Kurukshetra, India and 2018 Rula International Award for Best Researcher.
He is also working as principal investigator of a number of R&D projects sponsored by various government of India funding agencies (i.e. Department of Science & Technology (DST), Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), NITI Aayog, etc). He is serving as Associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Access, Associate editor of IJES, inderscience, editor, IJHPCN, inderscience and Executive editor of IJITCA, Inderscience, respectively. Moreover, Dr. Gupta is also leading International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC), IGI Global, USA as Editor-in-Chief. He also served as TPC Chair of 2018 IEEE INFOCOM: CCSNA and publicity chair of 10th NSS 2016 which were held in USA and Taiwan, respectively. He is also founder chair of FISP and ISCW workshops which organize in different countries every year. Dr. Gupta received outstanding paper awards in both regular and student categories in 5th IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE) in Kyoto, Japan during Oct. 7-10, 2016. In addition, he received Best Poster presentation award and People choice award for Poster presentation in CSPC-2014, Aug., 2014, Malaysia. He served as Jury in All IEEE-R10 Young Engineers' Humanitarian Challenge (AIYEHUM-2014), 2014. He is also served/serving as guest editor/associate editor of more than 20 high quality journals (Including IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Access, FGCS, Elsevier, Cluster computing, springer, MTAP, springer, ETT, Wiley, JoCS, Elsevier, Annals Telecommunications springer, etc).
Dr. Gupta is Senior member of IEEE, Member ACM, Internet Society, Life Member, IAENG, and Life Member, IACSIT. He also worked as a post-doctoral research fellow in UNB, Canada for short duration. He was also visiting researcher with Yamaguchi University, Japan, with Guangzhou University, China, with Deakin University, Australia and with Swinburne University of Technology, Australia during January, 2015 and 2018, June & December 2016, July 2017, and Mar-Apr. 2018, respectively. Moreover, he was also visiting Professor in University of Murcia, Spain in Jun.-Jul., 2018. At present, Dr. Gupta is working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra India. His research interest includes Information security, Cyber Security, Mobile/Smartphone, Cloud Computing, Web security, Intrusion detection, Computer networks and Phishing.
Prof.Dr. Andrew W. H. Ip
University of Saskatchewan, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Canada
Prof. Andrew W. H. Ip received his PhD from Loughborough University (U.K.), MBA from Brunel University (U.K.), MSc in Industrial Engineering from Cranfield University (U.K.), and LLB (Hons) from the University of Wolverhampton (U.K.). Dr Ip was awarded in 2015 “Gold Medal with the Congratulations of Jury” and “Thailand Award for Best International Invention” in the 43rd International Exhibition of Geneva, and he was awarded the “Natural Science Award ” in 2013 Ministry of Education Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards by the Ministry of Education of Mainland China. Dr. Ip is visiting professor of Civil Aviation University of China, South China Normal University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and Honorary Fellow of the University Warwick, Warwick Manufacturing Group. He is Professor Emeritus and adjunct professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan and principal research fellow of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is a chartered engineer, senior member of IEEE and member of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and members of various professional bodies in mechanical and electrical engineering. He is Editor in Chief of the journal of Enterprise Information System (SCI index), Taylor & Francis; Founder & Editor in Chief of International Journal of Engineering Business Management (ESCI & SCOPUS index), SAGE.
Prof. Dr.Sc.Kazumi Nakamatsu
School of Human Science and Environment University of Hyogo,Japan
Kazumi Nakamatsu received the Ms. Eng. and Dr. Sci. from Shizuoka University and Kyushu University, Japan, respectively. He is a full Professor at School of Human Science and Environment, University of Hyogo, Japan. His research interests encompass various kinds of logic and their applications to Computer Science, especially paraconsistent annotated logic programs and their applications. He has developed some paraconsistent annotated logic programs called ALPSN(Annotated Logic Program with Strong Negation), VALPSN(Vector ALPSN), EVALPSN(Extended VALPSN) and bf-EVALPSN (before-after EVALPSN) recently, and applied them to various intelligent systems such as a safety verification based railway interlocking control system and process order control. He is an author of over 150 papers and 20 book chapters, and 10 edited books published by prominent publishers. Kazumi Nakamatsu has chaired various international conferences, workshops and invited sessions, and he has been a member of numerous international program committees of workshops and conferences in the area of Computer Science. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems(IJRIS) by Inderscience Publisher(UK) and an editorial board member of many international journals. He has contributed numerous invited lectures at international workshops, conferences, and academic organizations. He also is a recipient of some conference and paper awards. He is a member of Japan AI Society, Japan Facial Society, etc.
Prof. Kun Zhang
Hainan Tropical Ocean University, China
Zhang Kun, male, the Han nationality, born in May 1981, Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province. Graduated from Dalian Maritime University; Ph.D. candidate of Hainan University; Professor; Master's Supervisor.
Professor in Hainan Tropical Ocean University. Guest Master's Supervisor in Tianjin Science and Technology University; Visiting Scholar at the Harbin Institute of Technology; candidate in the third level of Hainan province "515" Engineering; senior Member of Chinese Computer Society (CCF) and China Electronics Association (CIE); member of ACM and IEEE; the cultural industry experts in Sanya, Hainan Province; the informatization construction experts in Haikou and Sanya, Hainan Province, the cultural relics protection in Sanya; host of Key Laboratory of visual computer in Sanya; editor of country-level journal like Software and New Industrialization; reviewers of Several core journal like Computer Science, Acta Automatica Sinica and Chinese science paper, ect. So far, more than 100 papers have been published, including SCI/ EI papers, ect.
Silai Zhou
Founder of IRNet China
Bin Hu
Contacting Chair of IRNet China
China Mobile, Hunan Branch
Technical Program Committee:
Dr. Brian SIU, City University of Hong Kong
Prof.Dr. Xilong Qu, Hunan University of Finance and Economics, China
Prof.Dr. Tongliang Fan, China Maritime Police Academy, China
Prof. Junjie Lv, University of Wuhan Polytechnic, China
Prof.Dr. Roman Szewczyk,Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements PIAP,Poland
Prof.Dr. Hao Wang, State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation, Northeastern University, China
Prof.Dr. Imran Memon, Zhejiang University, China
Prof.Dr. Guodong Wang , South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, USA
Prof.Dr. Vladicescu Popentiu, Florin, City University, UK
Prof.Dr. Guangzhi Qu, Oakland University, USA
Prof.Dr. V.S.S. Yadavalli, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Prof.Dr. Bruno Apolloni, Università degli Studi di Milano, ItalyProf.Dr. Harry Bouwman, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Prof.Dr. Yahaya Coulibaly, University Technology Malaysia, Malaysia
Prof.Dr. Ing Kong, RMIT University, Australia
Prof.Dr. Gerald Midgley, Centre for Systems Studies, Business School, University of Hull, UK
Prof.Dr. Khubaib Ahmed, Hamdard University, Pakistan
Prof.Dr. Moustafa Mohammed Eissa, Faculty of Engineering-Helwan University, Egypt
Dr. Liang Zong, Shaoyang University, China
Dr. Xilang Tang, Airforce Engineering University, China
Dr. Alexandros Fragkiadakis, Institute of Computer Science (FORTH-ICS), GreeceDr. Cristina Alcaraz, University of Malaga, Spain
Dr. Mohamed Atef, Assiut University, Egypt
Dr. Weilin Wang , University of Georgia, USA
Dr. Bensafi Abd-Ei-Hamid, World Islamic Sciences and Education University, Jordan
Dr. Yudi Gondokaryono, Institute of Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Dr. Hadi Arabshahi, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
Dr. Qian Lv , Western Digital, USA
Dr. Alojz Poredo, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Mohamed F. El-Santawy, Cairo University, Egypt
Dr. Tongpin Liu, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Dr. Seema Verma, Banasthali University, India
Prof. Loc Nguyen, Director of International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), Vietnam
Prof. Cheng-Yuan Tang, Huafan University, Taiwan
Prof. Jun Tao, Jianghan University, China
Dr. Wei Wei, Xi’an University. of Tech, China
Dr. Hyunsung Kim, Kyungil University, Korea
Dr. Faisal Syafar, UNM Parangtambung, Indonesia
Dr., Nikolaos Pellas, University of the Aegean, Greek
Dr., Alexey Nekrasov, Southern Federal University, Russia
Dr., Wen-Cheng Lai, National Penghu University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Dr., Jian-wei Liu, China University of Petroleum, China
Dr., ARUN AGARWAL, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan Deeemed to be University, India
Dr., Biju T. Sayed Mohammed, Dhofar University, Indian
Prof., Wuyi Yue, Konan University, Japan
Dr., Juan M. Carrillo, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
Dr., Ioan-Lucian Popa, University Alba Iulia, Romania
Dr., Xu Zezhong, Changzhou Institute of Technology, China
Dr., Ray-Hwa Wong, Hwa-Hsia University of Technology, Taiwan
Dr., Saman Shojae Chaeikar, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Dr., HAMIDA Souraya, Université Batna 2, Algérie, Algeria
Dr., Teodor Lucian Grigorie, Ecole de Technologie Superieure, Romania
Dr., Ong Pauline, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia.
Dr., Tsun Ku, Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan
Dr., Jahangir Dadkhah Chimeh, Iran Telecommunication Research Center, Iran
Dr., Soumyadip Bandyopadhyay, System Analysis and Modeling Group Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany
Dr., Jian-wei Liu, University of Petroleum, China
Dr., Dariusz Jacek Jakóbczak, Koszalin University of Technology, Poland
Dr., Jun Guo, East China Normal University, China
Dr., A.D.N.SARMA, Centre for Good Governance, Indian
Dr., Ing. Kuan Chee, University of Nottingham Ningbo China , China
Dr., Xu Wang, Heriot Watt University, UK
Dr., Zahéra Mekkioui, University Abou Bekr Belkaid of Tlemcen, Algeria
Dr., Wolfgang A. Halang, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, D-58084 Hagen, Germany
Prof., X. SUSAN CHRISTINA, MIET Engineering College, Indian
Dr., Gordon Huang, University of Regina, Regina, Canada
Dr., Xi Vincent Wang,KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Dr., MEHMET NURİ AKINCI, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Ayazağa Kampüsü
Dr., Fateh Mebarek-Oudina, Skikda University, Algeria
Dr., Zahéra Mekkioui, University of Tlemcen, Algeria
Dr., Elias Shokati Asl, University of Tabriz, Iran
Dr., Carlos Calderón Córdova, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, República del Ecuador
Dr., Grigoras Gheorghe, Technical University of Iasi, Romania
Dr., Kei Eguchi, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan
Dr., Roberto Nardone, Regional Consortium of Universities and Research Centers in Campania Region, Itliy
Dr.,Tan Yi Fei, Multimedia University, Selangor
Dr., Shahbaz Pervez, Yanbu University College, Saudi Arabia
Dr., Chii-Wai CHOW, Chinese University of HongKong, China
Dr., Zhao-Hui Li, Dalian Maritime Unisversity, China
Dr., P.M.Meshram, Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering (Y.C.C.E), India
Prof., Qiao GUO, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Prof., Cheng-Yuan Tang, Huafan University, Taiwan
Dr., Nurul Hidayah Binti Ab Rahman, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia
Dr.,P. BALASUBRAMANIAN, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Dr., xiangshuai Tao, the PLA University of science anf technology, China
Dr., chen Han, Army engineering university of PLA, China
Dr., Ing. Jan Kubíček, Technical University of Ostrava ,Ostrava
Dr., Krzysztof Dyczkowski, University of Adam Mickiewicz, Poland
Dr., Vasilios Zarikas, University of Applied Sciences, Greek
Dr., GIUSEPPE D'ANIELLO, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy
Dr., Asaad Y. Shamseldin, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Dr., Muhammad Hafidz Fazli Bin Md Fauadi, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Malaysia
Prof., Anabela Moreira Bernardino ,Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portuguesa
Prof.,BASEL ALI MAHAFZAH,University of Jordan,Jordan
Dr., Ashkan Yousefpour, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Dr., Qi Ruan,Guodian Hanchuan Power Plant
Dr., Relay protection group, China
Dr. Putra Wanda, University of Respati Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Dr. Ozlem Boydak, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey
Dr. Sumit Kumar Pandey, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India